Industries Served
HazTek has extensive experience representing all types of industry. We understand how to work in coordination with in-house staff and are familiar with owner safety cultures, programs, and expectations. HazTek has also worked with many of the world’s largest and most respected construction management and general contracting companies.
Many of HazTek’s health and safety professionals are industry specialists. They have in-depth knowledge of the specific challenges you face, enabling them to employ safety solutions that will keep your employees safe and your project moving. Your projects will receive HazTek’s full measure of support at all times. As part of our Quality Assurance protocol, a senior manager is assigned to each client. HazTek will also cross-train other safety professionals to ensure continuity of the safety program during vacations and unforeseen coverage situations. This cross-training is provided at no additional cost to you.
Every project is different in complexity. HazTek will match the right experience to your job, enabling you to manage costs, while we manage safety. With HazTek, you won’t overpay for expertise you may not need.
For a list of industries that we serve, click here:
Automotive Manufacturing
Civil Contracting
Construction Management
Data Centers
Electrical Contracting
General Contracting
Government (Local, State, and Federal)
Industrial Construction
Mechanical Contracting
Marine Construction
Oil and Gas
Petrochemical / Refineries
Phosphate / Mining
Power Generation / Utilities / Water
Pulp / Paper
Transportation and Logistics
Trenching / Excavation
Waste Management
Construction / Contractors
Construction / Contractors
The inherent dangers of construction sites can be compounded by the varied environments where contractors must apply their skills. Additional challenges are created by staffing thresholds that mandate dedicated safety representatives; the need to follow multiple safety programs; working at highly regulated facilities; issues related to up- and down-sizing of crews; demanding owner/client safety representatives; and the difficulty of finding prequalified second- and third-tier subcontractors. From pharmaceutical and manufacturing facilities, to power plants and petrochemical refineries, HazTek offers the site-and industry-specific expertise needed to protect employees and businesses.
HazTek has extensive experience and a proven track record of success with civil, mechanical, and electrical contractors of all sizes working within a wide range of industries. Many HazTek health and safety professionals are former craftsmen with in-depth knowledge of the industry-specific challenges you face, enabling them to employ safety solutions that keep your employees safe and your project moving.
Ensuring continuity of your safety program
HazTek’s Quality Assurance Protocol
Your project will receive HazTek’s full measure of support at all times. As part of our Quality Assurance protocol, a senior manager is assigned to each project. For long-term projects, HazTek will also cross-train other safety professionals to ensure continuity of the safety program during vacations and unforeseen coverage situations. This cross-training is provided at no additional cost to you. Since every project is different in complexity, HazTek will match the right safety manager to the job, enabling you to effectively manage costs while maximizing safety performance. Our experience managing subcontractors of all tiers allows us to prequalify and manage your subcontractors for you and ensures that all aspects of your project progress safely and smoothly.

Health & Safety Services
HazTek’s most requested services for Construction / Contractors:
- Written Health and Safety Programs
- Accident and Incident Investigations
- Third-Party Prequalification Support
- Industrial Hygiene Surveys
- Job Safety Analysis (JSA) Development
- OSHA Representation and Mediation Support
- Ergonomic Assessments
- Respirator Fit Testing (Quantitative / Qualitative)
Dredging and Marine
Dredging and Marine
Dredging and marine construction environments are nothing like “typical” construction sites. From piers, docks, barges, and beaches to waterways, levees, and lock systems, outdoor and isolated worksites present unique risks to people, property, and the environment. HazTek has broad experience with dipper, clamshell, pipeline, and hopper dredges and other marine construction equipment and processes. Our comprehensive safety management services help reduce risks, while protecting the wellbeing of employees and businesses.
HazTek offers customized safety services that address the specific hazards and safety requirements of the dredging and marine industry. HazTek’s Site Safety Officers (SSO) have extensive experience with USACE EM 385-1 and the regulatory variations of different regions. They thrive in the dredging and marine environments and are comfortable with rotational work schedules. In addition, our SSOs are accustomed to working in remote environments. In fact, HazTek dredging SSOs are some of our most tenured employees and are well-trained in the special challenges created by this type of work.
Helping you manage details and logistics
A Dedicated Client Service Representative
HazTek understands the unique work schedules required by dredging companies. Around-the-clock shifts, 365 days a year. Employees rotating in and out. Workers traveling to different job sites and moving from day shift to night shift. Flights, hotels, and rental cars. Continual changes as plans and projects evolve. HazTek handles it all by providing a dedicated Client Service Representative to help you manage the details and logistics.
We will provide training to your workers and cross-train our own employees when making personnel switches. Our resources and management systems assure project continuity when workers leave the company or job site. HazTek’s unique employment structure alleviates the need for excessive overtime payments. Our system enables significant cost savings during periods when extended work hours are necessary.

Health & Safety Services
HazTek’s most requested services for Dredging and Marine
- Site Safety Officer (SSO)
Full-Time Manager, who can provide - Daily Oversight, Education, and Enforcement
- Inspections
- Toolbox Talks
- Activity Hazard Analysis (AHA)
- Recordkeeping
- Personal Protective Equipment Assessments
- Industry-Specific Services
- Project Safety Audits
- Spot Inspections
- Confined Spaces (Evaluations / Plans / Permits / Audits / Rescue)
- Hazard Communication (Plans / Audits / MSDS / Labeling)
- Job Hazard Analyses
- Emergency Preparedness (Drills / Plans / Audits / Training)
- Emergency Response Plans
- Heat Stress Monitoring
Environmental Remediation
Environmental Remediation
As environmental remediation and engineering firms work to restore or protect our environment, HazTek works to ensure that projects proceed safely. We’ve managed safety programs at Superfund sites, manufactured gas plants, landfills, refineries, water treatment facilities, and power plants. HazTek also provides safety management services in support of underground work and during disaster response and recovery efforts following hurricanes, spills, fires, floods, tornadoes, and other disasters.
Expertise in known contaminants is essential while emergency procedures must be in place to protect against unknown and unexpected contaminants. Many times, this must all be managed while complying with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) safety regulations and coordinating with DEP and EPA.
In-house certified industrial hygienist
Extensive Environmental and USACE Expertise
HazTek was originally founded as a safety consulting company focused solely on environmental projects. We are broadly experienced in managing health and safety at environmental remediation sites and have extensive USACE expertise at Superfund sites, as well as on dredging projects. Our in-house staff includes a Certified Industrial Hygienist with more than 35 years of experience managing EH&S for large environmental remediation firms. In addition, our experience managing subcontractors of all tiers allows us to prequalify and manage your subcontractors for you and ensures that all aspects of your project progress safely and smoothly.

Health & Safety Services
HazTek’s most requested services for Environmental
Remediation and Engineering:
- Site Health and Safety Officers
- Site-Specific Health and Safety Plans w/CIH Sign-Off
- Personal and Area Sampling
- Perimeter Monitoring / Community Air Monitoring Plans (CAMP)
- Respirator Fit Testing & Training
- Certified Industrial Hygienists
- Asbestos and Lead Containment Monitoring
- Sound Level Surveys and Noise Dosimetry
- Industrial Hygiene Surveys
- Asbestos Maintenance Plan
- Ergonomic Evaluations
- Exposure Assessments
- Exposure Control Methods
- Indoor Air Quality Assessments
- Lead Compliance Plan
- Mold Inspections & Remedial Action Plans
- Personal Protective Equipment Evaluations
- Safety Management
Facility and Property Owners
Facility and Property Owners
Facility owners involved with construction projects face many challenges when protecting the health and safety of employees and workers at their facilities. Whether the work is managed by in-house staff or by a general contractor or construction manager, HazTek can help.
HazTek has extensive experience representing facility owners. As Owner’s Safety Reps, we understand how to work in coordination with in-house staff and are familiar with reinforcing safety cultures, programs, and expectations. In addition, we are experienced in representing subcontractors of all tiers who are working under an owner’s rules. This gives us a unique perspective on subcontractor management and strengthens the effectiveness of our contractor safety services.
Working with firms of all sizes and industries
A Proven Track Record of Success
As a member of the national Construction Users Roundtable (CURT), we regularly share best practices with other owners. HazTek has managed worksite safety and health for many of the nation’s largest and most respected construction management and general contracting companies. We have an outstanding reputation and a proven track record of success working with firms of all sizes at facilities and work sites in wide-ranging industries such as:
- Aerospace
- Airports
- Automotive Manufacturing
- Casinos
- Heavy Industrial Facilities
- Hospitals and Medical Centers
- Hotels
- Manufacturing
- Petrochemical/Refineries
- Pharmaceutical Facilities
- Phosphate/Mining
- Power Generation/Utilities
- Pulp/Paper
- Solar

Health & Safety Services
HazTek’s most requested services for Facility and Property Owners:
- Contractor Safety Management Professionals (Owner’s Reps)
- Development of Written Contractor Safety Programs, Policies, and Procedures
- Safety Program Analysis (Gap Analysis)
- Administrative Program Review and Field Inspections
- Third-Party Prequalification Support
- Ergonomic Evaluations
- Comprehensive Industrial Hygiene Services
General Contractors
General Contractors
Every construction site has its own unique safety and health hazards related to location, environment and the type of work in progress. General contractors and construction managers must adapt their operations to each phase of work and manage safety relative to the primary concerns of a given activity. HazTek makes it easier with site-specific safety management expertise at pharmaceutical facilities, chemical plants, refineries, power plants, substations, high-rises, hospitals, airports, casinos, mass transit systems, and more.
Safety cultures, programs, and expectations
Effective in Planning and Implementing
HazTek has managed worksite safety and health for many of the nation’s largest and most respected construction management firms and general contractors. Our experts are skilled in recognizing potential worksite hazards and highly effective in planning and implementing proactive measures. At the same time, HazTek has excellent relationships with owners and is familiar with owner safety cultures, programs, and expectations.
In addition, our experience managing subcontractors of all tiers allows us to prequalify and manage your subcontractors for you and to ensure all aspects of your project progress safely and smoothly.

Health & Safety Services
HazTek’s most requested services for for General Contractors
and Construction Managers:
- Full-Time Project Safety Managers, who can provide:
- Equipment Inspections
- Job Safety Analysis Review
- Management of Subcontractor Safety Representatives
- PPE Inspections
- Preconstruction Meetings
- Recordkeeping
- Subcontractor Prequalification
- Weekly Safety Meetings
- Industry-Specific Services
- Project Safety Managers & Technicians
- Safety Consulting & Training
- Site-Specific Health & Safety Plans
- Corporate Health & Safety Plans
- Safety Orientation Programs
- Project Safety Audits / Inspections
- Certified Safety Professionals
- Third-Party Prequalification Support (ISNetworld®, Avetta, BROWZ)
- Subcontractor Safety Representation
- Accident Investigations
- Contractor Risk Portfolios
- Job Hazard Analyses
- On-Site Safety Management
- OSHA VPP Consulting
General Industry
General Industry
Every company faces environmental health and safety concerns on a daily basis with lives, reputation, and finances at stake. Whether the challenge is employee morale, adequate staffing, training requirements, or compliance with local, state, and federal regulations, HazTek can offer customized support. We provide experts, experience, and knowledge to improve and enhance your EH&S management systems and create a culture that is highly effective in protecting the wellbeing of employees and businesses.
Working with firms of all sizes and industries
A Proven Track Record of Success
We have extensive experience and have worked with many of the nation’s largest and most respected companies. Maintaining a safe work environment, managing environmental health and safety practices, and addressing changing standards require a dedicated team that can offer insight and expertise. Our on-staff EH&S professionals can keep your employees safe and your operations moving. HazTek specializes in minimizing risks through awareness, empowerment, industry best practices, and a firm belief that every incident is avoidable.
- Aerospace
- Automotive Manufacturing
- Chemical
- Electric & Gas Utility
- Electronics
- Energy
- Fragrances
- Maintenance / Repair Services
- Manufacturing Operations and Maintenance Services
- Petrochemical
- Pharmaceutical
- Power Generation / Utilities
- Printing
- Pulp / Paper
- Refineries
- Solar
- Transportation
- Waste Management
- Water Utilities

Health & Safety Services
HazTek’s most requested services for General Industry:
- Industrial Hygiene Surveys
- Chemical Exposure Monitoring / Sampling
- Respiratory Protection (Assessments / Plans)
- Safety Management / Consulting
- Indoor Air Quality / Mold Investigations
- EH&S Compliance Audits
- Asbestos / Lead (Inspections / Plans / Monitoring)
- Confined Spaces (Evaluations / Plans / Permits / Audits / Rescue)
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Evaluations / Audits
- Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plans
- Hazard Communication (Plans / Audits / MSDS / Labeling)
- Bloodborne Pathogens (Plans / Audits)
- Contractor Safety Management
- Corporate Health & Safety Procedures
- Culture Assessments
- Emergency Preparedness (Drills / Plans / Audits / Training)
- Emergency Response Plans
- Ergonomic Evaluations
- Heat Stress Monitoring
- Incident / Accident Investigation
- Job Hazard Analyses
- Life Safety / EAP’s / Continuity & Contingency Plans
- Noise Monitoring
- OSHA Inspections / Citation Assistance
- OSHA Recordkeeping
- Process Safety Management (Plans / PHA’s / Audits)
- Safety Leadership Assessments
- Ventilation Studies / Monitoring
Life Sciences
Power / Electrical
Power / Electrical
The inherent dangers of construction sites can be compounded by the varied environments where electrical contractors apply their skills. From pharmaceutical and manufacturing facilities to refineries, chemical plants, and power plants, HazTek offers the site- and industry-specific expertise needed to protect the wellbeing of employees and businesses.
Working in and around high-voltage presents daily hazards for electrical contractors. Incidents are often severe to fatal, leaving no room for error. Additional challenges are created by staffing thresholds and related requirements for dedicated safety representatives; the need to follow multiple safety programs; working at highly regulated facilities; issues related to up- and down-sizing of crews; and the difficulty of finding prequalified second- and third-tier subcontractors.
Keeping employees safe and projects moving
In-Depth Knowledge of the Industry
HazTek has extensive experience and a proven track record of effectiveness working with electrical contracting firms of all sizes at facilities and work sites in wide-ranging industries. Many HazTek health and safety professionals are former electricians and craftsmen. They have in-depth knowledge of the industry-specific challenges you face, enabling them to employ safety solutions that will keep your employees safe and your project moving.

Health & Safety Services
HazTek’s most requested services for Power
Industry and Electrical Contractors:
- Full-Time Project Safety Managers
- JSA or JHA Preparation and Review
- Project Safety Audits / Inspections
- Site-Specific Health and Safety Plans
- Corporate Health and Safety Plans
- Third-Party Validation Support
- On-Site Safety Management
- Safety Consulting
- DOT and Fleet Management