Leading Safely™ | A HazTek Podcast
Kris Corbett | Injury Prevention on Construction Sites
Kris Corbett, Director at Atlas Injury Prevention Solutions and a nationally recognized speaker, joins Chris Bellina and Matt Clark on Episode 11 of our podcast
During the episode, Kris and our team talk about the correlation between workplace injuries and emotional well-being. If workers are not feeling their best, they will not work at their best — leaving them at risk for getting hurt. Additionally, Kris offers tips that everyone can follow to stay proactive against workplace injuries. She also discusses how workers can prevent on-the-job injuries and how construction workers should think of themselves as “industrial athletes.” She explains how athletes would never play a sport without stretching and hydrating before a game and neither should construction workers.
Kris has over 20 years of experience working in Wellness, Safety, and Injury Prevention creating innovative and effective products and services for various companies. She is a nationally recognized speaker and has been featured at the National Ergonomic Conference, National Constructor Conference, ASSE National Conference, and CURT National Conference.