HazTek’s Global Expansion

We remain committed to providing the same level of professionalism and quality that is expected from us in North America as we extend our support to customers across the globe.

HazTek’s brand of EH&S excellence has expanded worldwide to nearly 200 countries. We can now provide local, in-country safety professionals; critical EH&S consulting services; and corporate safety culture enhancement for our clients — anywhere and everywhere. Companies may encounter many challenges when working internationally, including increasingly stringent legislation on health, safety, and the environment, and distinct rules, standards, and processes that are enacted across different countries.

EH&S culture and commitment

Finding Solutions to Site Problems

Locating competent resources who are familiar with company standards and international best practices — especially in developing countries with poor regulatory frameworks — is an ongoing concern.

EH&S culture and commitment can often be lacking or differ in developing countries, causing a misalignment of corporate global standards with local on-the-ground conditions.

Haztek Safety Management - A stunning landscape of waterfront construction projects under a multicolored sky.
Haztek Inc. Global Expansion - A multilayer image featuring a construction professional manipulating a complex technological interface.

Expert technical knowledge

Breakthroughs in EH&S Performance

We bring dependable strengths and expert technical knowledge, including:

      Resource Availability
      Quality Assurance and Quality Control
      Employee Support
        Change Management

HazTek understands the many issues when working in other countries and we are experienced and fully capable of providing the following practical solutions for our customers.

Breakthroughs and improvement in EH&S performance through organizational transformation and/or cultural change, including EH&S leadership development at all levels

Full-time Project/Facility Safety Managers and Safety Management Teams using U.S.-based or locally hired EH&S professionals

Global Contractor Safety Management programs to include developing, operationalizing, and facilitating continuous improvement

Global assessments, audits, and analyses of safety cultures and performance against worldwide client-specific expectations

Worldwide growth

Reliable Expertise

Since our company’s launch in 1997, HazTek’s vision has continued to expand by bringing lasting and positive change to our clients and their communities. Our worldwide growth allows us to provide new service offerings and expanded engagements with our global customers.

We look forward to speaking with you to learn more about your business’ current safety needs and to discuss how HazTek can help you and your company with all of your international safety challenges and solutions.

Haztek Inc. - Two safety management workers in silhouette at sunset.
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